Green Parenting works on a simple principle: We need to treat Mother Nature with the same care and sensitivity that we give our babies. Tickles is committed to natural and sustainable baby care solutions, with no compromise on comfort. We’re always working towards improving the world our children will grow up in!
Forget higher costs and lower comfort – once disposable diapers are filled, it’s often out of sight, out of mind for parents. But disposables don’t just disappear. On average, landfills see over 3000 diapers from a single baby over the course of 3 years. These diapers then take around 450 years to decompose – that’s a lot of waste!
Crafted from an organic cotton blend, velour is plush, stretchy, comfortable – and completely safe for your little one’s skin. Velour is biodegradable, and can be recycled in 1-5 months. That’s comparable to some fruits!
Most diapers these days feature pockets, allowing an insert to be slid in for extra absorbency to keep our children dry through long days and nights. But this means both the diaper and the insert have to be washed. Our snap on inserts require no pocket, allowing you to simply wash the insert and greatly reducing the number of wash-cycles the diaper itself must go through.
As your child grows, our diaper will grow with him. But resizing alone isn’t enough, as your child has different needs at different ages. Our Cocoon Diaper features unique umbilical cord protection for new-borns up to the age of 3 months, and the Explorer Diaper will keep your little one playing happily ever after that.
Try not to store your dirty diapers for longer than 1-2 days. Tickles comes with a wash bag that allows you to keep your washables together every cycle – making it easier than ever to freshen up your baby’s day!
We recommend using each diaper for around 3-4 hours on average, although it ultimately depends on your baby’s personal needs. Using each diaper for the recommended amount of time keeps it dry – and keeps that smile on your little one’s face.
Each Tickles Cocoon pack comes with:
1 Diaper shell
2 Inserts
1 Wash Bag
Tickles is proudly born and raised in India. It’s no small coincidence that Tickles wraps your little one in a warm comforting embrace – we use nothing but the softest, natural ingredients from across the country.
Diaper prepping allows you to maximize the absorbency of your child’s diaper. Different types of diapers have different prepping requirements – such as washing once before use – and can cause leakages if not followed. Prepping keeps your little one dry, and your diapers secure, for longer!
When drying your diapers on a clothesline, ensure you hang them horizontally, with both ends of the diaper clipped to the line. Hanging your diapers from one end alone (vertically) can lead to a loosening of the elastic – compromising that perfect Tickles fit, and allowing leaks. So, remember – well dried diapers mean happy and clean babies!