Why organic cloth diapers?
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Why organic cloth diapers?

Why organic cloth diapers?

Organic lifestyle is a conscious choice.

Using cotton ‘langots’ has been an age old practice in India. We all have grown up watching our naanis, dadis and moms wrapping newborn with used clothes especially made of cotton. You would always find aunts to lend one of their kid’s old clothes or a sibling was there whose clothes mum would tuck neatly for times like these.

‘Langot’ or the way we call it today ‘nappy’ or ‘modern langot’ has been an integral part of a growing baby in an Indian household.

With changing lifestyle and by the time we grew up when many young ladies started juggling a career, home and babies, disposable diapers made their way to our lives. A relief, of course.

However, the young millennial parent is also conscious of the impact of disposable diapers on the environment, on the baby’s skin and their pocket!

Many parents couldn’t shift to ‘langot’ without help at home. Managing work and home was already difficult and disposables seemed convenient when there weren’t any choices available in the market for cloth diapers. So, the disposable diapers became quite a grudging guest at home.

Fulfilling this need for the comfort of our old age ‘langot’ and convenience of ‘disposable diaper’ is Tickles cloth diaper. Being young parents ourselves, we understand what today’s parents want.

After many trials and tests, we have come up with a super soft, premium, cloth diaper made of organic cotton with natural dyes, which we are proud to use on our kids. And, who said fathers can’t be a pro at diaper change! We can wear that badge with pride.

For fact seekers, below are some of the cool benefits that trump disposables anytime.

  • Light on your pocket in the long run:
    You may have to invest in Tickles cloth diapers initially. Once you have a decent number of sets, they will last for years. Being made of natural fiber they are more durable. You can easily use them for your second baby or pass it on to others. Whereas disposable diapers seem convenient, but they take a toll on your overall budget and are one of the main culprits of landfills.

  • Chemical free healthy lifestyle for the little one:
    You already know disposable diapers come with loads of chemicals that can harm the soft skin of babies and lead to rashes and skin allergies. Sodium Polyacrylate is the chemical compound used by most disposable diaper brands because of its great water absorbency. Not only rashes, disposable diapers permeate foul smell if left on the baby for long, which can be unhealthy for the baby's skin.

Meanwhile, Tickles cloth diapers are a natural choice. You won’t find any chemical or dyes in our variant of cloth diapers. The super trim soakers use  organic cotton – velour – which is known for its absorbency and plush fabric.

  • Earth friendly:
    Disposable diapers are made on the concept of ‘Use and Throw’ which ultimately takes a toll on our planet. Whereas, in general cloth diapers are much more durable and don't land up in landfill. When you choose Tickles cloth diapers, you are ahead of the curve as a natural enthusiast. Tickles cloth diapers use 100% organic cotton soakers/inserts, and consciously chooses to pick earth-friendly material.


Langot, nappy, Organic cloth diapers, Velour, Cloth diaper, India, Millennial, Young parents, Tickles, Newborn, Baby